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Hadley Moak

Hitting Her Stride
When Hadley Moak's parents made the decision to bring her to Eton from 5th through 7th grade, they were nervous and scared. Was this the right decision?

Having to step back and trust the process was an adjustment at first, but as Hadley's mom says, "she really started hitting her stride in that second year." After her third year, she transferred to Birmingham schools, where she was able to transfer the skills and strategies she learned at Eton to harness success, and even earned a perfect score on the Reading Comprehension portion of her ACTs. 

Hadley is a 2018 graduate of Birmingham Groves High School and will be attending Xavier University in Cincinatti in the Fall of 2018, with plans to study athletic training.

When asked what advice she would give current Eton students, Hadley said "Don't get too comfortable. Eton is built so students feel confident that they can succeed, but it is important to remember to take chances and face challenges."